Sunday, January 31, 2010

Long time overdue!

Boy do I have a lot of updating to do, so I am going to sit here and recall all that has happened in these last three crazy months of parenthood.

November 09-
*Parker made his debut into this world on 11/29/09. On 11/25/09 we tried induction due to the fact of how i was feeling and concerns from my doctor however after having the pitocin on the highest level and showing no sign of labor I was sent home. It wasn't until 11/28/09 (my due date) where he decided it was time and my water broke at 10:30 p.m. that night. The delivery went well (well long and hard) but it was so worth it. Parker was 7 lbs .5 oz and 19.5 inches long.

December 09-
*The first month is such a blur...well lets say we "survived". We discovered Parker is a happy baby once he is fed, burped and changed and absolutely hates a pacifier. At three weeks old he began sleeping in his crib and has been a trooper with that ever since. At his one month appointment he weighted 8 lbs and 10 ounces (25%) and 21 inches long. It was so sad seeing him get his first shot, I wished at that moment I took his pain from him. During this month he began to focus on Corey and I, loved his first bath, loves his swing and was read Brown Bear Brown Bear by Eric Carle for the first time. On 12/20/09 he was baptized at Christ Lutheran Church, the same church Corey and I were married in. I had my wedding gown turned into his baptism outfit, truly a special moment for me and something to pass down within our family. Christmas was truly a special day at our house. Santa made his appearance at our house leaving presents for Parker and Lilly and it was great having Corey's brother, Raymond up visiting from NC.

*January 2010-
During this month so much as changed with Parker. He is becoming more observant within his surroundings...forget about laying him on his belly, he wants sit up or should I say he wants to pull himself up working his core to see what is going on around him. His personality is beginning to come we see him smiling more and trying to laugh (well inhaling air is considered his laugh right now). Mommy returned to work on January 11, it was the hardest thing to do but thank god for nana and her babysitting skills. She is enjoying every minute with her grandson. He watched his first PSU football game on New Years Day and he was good luck because they won. We took our first big outing at the end of January to King of Prussia to spend the day with mommy's grad school friends Kim and Christina, their husbands Sean and Brad and their beautiful baby girls Kaidence and Sofia (who are 2 month and 1 day apart). Parker was a trooper at the mall and realized we can do things that we did before, its alot more prepping but we manage. Parker also got to meet his friend Billy (mommy's best friend Jodi's son, who was born 6 days apart). It so wonderful to have such close friends with children so close in age; the memories we will have will last us a lifetime. Finally for the first time my nana got to meet her first great-grandchild, it was truly another special day in my life.

Feb. 2010- Parker is weighing in at 10lbs and survived once again more shots. Our last appointment it was Corey's first time watching his boy receive them and well mommy and daddy both teared up. Parker has mastered sleeping in his crib and sleeping through the night. Mommy and daddy love our little guy so much for giving us enough shut eye as well. Corey and I are a great team and share all the parenting duties for both Parker and Lilly. We have a rotating schedule during the week and weekends which is nice and is working out quite well. Parker continues to be a happy baby and will get fussy at times but overall loves to interact with those around him, especially mommy, daddy, and Nana. He is starting to sit up more on his own and tries to roll over but not quite there yet but LOVES his fingers and bath time has become a favorite of his. He loves cooing and making rasberrys. He started to track Lilly a lot more and the other day he petted her for the first time. She was a little freaked out about it but it was so nice to see the interaction between them. He watched in full the other day his Baby Einstein video and was amazed with all the movement. There are some mornings where he loves watching his ESPN with dad. I think his favorite is Mike and Mike in the morning :). We are enjoying our time in the house since we have been crippled with back to back major snowstorms. Summer can't come quick enough, especially the thought of sitting on the deck and watching Parker play in his little pool..oh to dream of 90 degree weather.

Lilly is also adjusting to having Parker around. She is becoming more protective and anybody that comes over well is greeted by her first (licks and wagging tail) but will be by whomever is holding Parker.

I think I pretty much covered everything that has happened with Parker in these three months since his arrival. I plan on keeping our blog updated so it will inform everyone close to us on how Parker is doing and watching him grow! For now love to yall!

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Its been awhile since I posted a note and I do apologize. Things have been crazy here as we prepare for the little guy to arrive. Here is a summary of the past few weeks:

*28 weeks- Doctors appointment where everything continue to progress well. Mommy and baby are feeling fine, dr. is pleased with progress and has no concerns at this point.

*32 weeks- My baby shower was held Oct. 3, 2009. It was a great day where I spent the afternoon with all my friends and family. Corey and I received so many wonderful gifts for Parker including tons of books for us to read to him as he grows. Of course the amount of PSU gear was endless, this boy really dosen't have a choice to like any other school besides mommy and daddy's alma mater.

Our last ultrasound revealed Parker weighing in at 4lbs and positioned head down facing back, which means he is getting ready for his arrival into this crazy world. The technician was pleased on his development and said we should not have any concerns. Because of his position it was difficult to get a good face picture but she managed and he is the cutest baby I've ever seen. His heart rate measured at 130 which has been the lowest for him, but the kicks, jabs, and hiccups continue to be very prominent.

*33 weeks-Oct. 14 my work threw me a surprise baby shower, and yes I was surprised. All the nurses, aides and my co-workers in therapy came together to make the day so special. We recieved all the last minute stuff we were preparing to buy and the clothes he recieved have filled up the once empty laundry basket. Mommy has been busy doing laundry and organizing his room with the help of daddy, of course. Parker is so blessed to have so many people looking forward to his arrival, which means the world to Corey and I.

I have another appointment scheduled for Oct. 26, and from there we will only have 4 weeks left until his due date. Many people are guessing that I will be delivering early..that is to be determined. The pictures included are of my mom and mother-in-law Hedy at my shower (top), my sister, Karissa and sister-in-law April (middle), and Corey painting his room (bottom).

Sunday, September 6, 2009

24 weeks

Hello everyone, its been awhile since I wrote and I do apologize for that. Things are going well here; just busy with getting stuff together for the little guy, working, and enjoying the summer. For my 24 week appointment, which was August 4th, things are continuing to progress well. I have gained a total of 10lbs. and his heartbeat measured at 150. I feel wonderful and enjoy all the kicks and rolls he is starting to do. They have ranged from the early morning to late at night when mommy is trying to go to bed. The last few weeks I have been experiencing some leg cramping at night (never thought a pregnant woman could jump out of bed so fast) which is unbearable but once I started to sleep with my body pillow they have seem to disappear. We have decided on the name Parker Henry for our little man, and getting anxious by the minute to meet him!! We keep on preparing Lilly for his arrival by telling her his name and showing her his room, if she gets it we shall see when November hits and we have a new addition to our family! Until next time, take care everyone!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

And we are having.....

This past Thursday (7/9/09) was a big day for Corey and I. It was our 20 week ultrasound where we were going to find out the gender of our tiny bundle of joy. We were so anxious and hoped that he or she would cooperate. It only took the technician a few minutes to find out the gender and low and behold HE COOPERATED!!! That's right we are having a little boy. Going into this appointment Corey was certain that we were having a boy...I on the other hand was clueless and didn't have a feeling either way on what were were having. After the technician told us "it" was a boy, it hit me, I am carrying my little boy. I was overwhelmed with joy and happiness (with the tears flowing) and couldn't wait to start shopping for him :)

He is weighing in at 12 ounces right now (70% percentile tile) with our due date still at November 28. I have gained a total of 8lbs as of this appointment. The doctor is very pleased with my progress as well as the baby's. Our next appointment is scheduled for August 4. I can't believe how fast the time is flying. I am completely enjoying this experience expect for the minor backache I am having the last few days. I am stretching and relaxing more than before which is helping, but I continue to do my daily exercising.

He is moving around alot more which is so neat and I am so glad Corey is able to feel the movements when he touches my stomach. The movements started out at night but have been felt more during the day. The picture shown is of mommy and Baby boy Beltz at 20 weeks!

Friday, July 3, 2009

A boy or a girl???

On July 9, 2009 Corey and I will be having our 20 week ultrasound which we will be able to find out what we are having. I thought it would be fun to put an entry related to some old wives tales (with my answers below ) to predict what we may have;

1.) If you're carrying high, break out the pink. If your bump is low, you're carrying a boy.
*I am carrying low and its all belly.

2.) According to legend, 140+ beats per minute indicates a girl, and below 140 a boy.
*First heartbeat rating 162
*Second rating 142 then jumped to 157

3.) Craving ice cream every single day? Some people believe this means it's a girl. If you have to have salty or sour stuff, then it's a boy.
*No cravings. I continue to eat the sugary and salty food items I did before I was
pregnant. However fruit has never tasted so good until now.

4.) Chinese Birth Chart an ancient method uses your age at conception and the month you did
the deed to determine gender.
*It predicts a boy.

5.) Legend has it that the Mayans determined a baby's sex by looking at the mother's age at
conception and the year of conception. If both are even or odd, it's a girl. If one's even and one's odd, it's a boy.
*My age at conception=26, Year of conception= 2009 (these numbers predict a boy)

6.) If you're breaking out like crazy, blame it on your girl babe. The belief goes that girls steal their mother's beauty, hence, those annoying zits.
*No acne breakout during my pregnancy

7.) Thread a needle to a piece of string if it swings in a circle, a little guy's in your future. If it goes back and forth, you've got a girl.
* A nurse did this to me at work and the needle moved in a circle=boy

8.) Sick as a dog during the first trimester -- or still? Signs indicate you're having a girl. Little or no morning sickness points to a boy.
* No morning sickness for me...must be a boy!

Well the true answer will be revealed July 9th. Until then most of my answers reveal its a boy!!

Myrtle Beach

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Myrtle Beach was our destination for our vacation this year. The beginning half of the week we met my cousins down there for some golf, well Corey golfed I drove the golf cart and some R&R. The later half of the week Corey's brothers (Raymond and Steven), Meghan (Raymond's girlfriend), April (Steven's fiance) and our niece Haley made the trip down to spend some time with us. This pregnancy though made me realize how sensitive my skin really is with the sun....I broke out in a heat rash on my upper legs for 3 days. Of course I was freaked out by this and called my Dr. 13 hours away and asked if this is "normal". She reassured me everything is fine and no need to worry just continue to do things in moderation and use proper sunscreen usage. I was more concerned for the babies health then my own. As we returned home the rash went away and I was good as new. Above you will find a link to our vacation pictures which includes Barefoot Landing golf course, our new timeshare and the resort, pictures of our family, and of course a baby bump picture, Enjoy!!!!

We finally heard it...........

On June 11, we had another 4 week checkup (I was 15 weeks at this appt.). Corey and I were crossing our fingers in hopes that we would finally hear the sound of the tiny heart beating away. As soon as my Dr. placed the Doppler on my belly there it was....the most precious, amazing sound we could ever hear. I have to admit though, I felt like Rachel from the Friends episode when her and Ross went for their first ultrasound and she had a hard time seeing the baby. I sat there with such concentration on my face listening way to all the waves and swooshes before I picked up the sound. The babies heartbeat was strong (starting at 142 and jumping to 157). My docotor said the heartbeat was strong and sounded very healthy. Everything seems to be right on track which was nice to hear. She also told us that pretty soon that I would be able to feel movements....those movements started to occur on June 21 have been intermittment since. We are getting more anxious by the minute wanting to know the gender of baby...and of course I can't wait to go shopping :) Corey though has something to say about that.....:)